Women in Water Profiles
We are collecting stories, meaningful experiences, and breath-taking photos from a range of women doing inspiring and exciting work in the water space. These women represent diverse walks of life and involvement in the world of water, including policy advisors, community mobilizers, academics, social justice warriors, lawyers, engineers, and more.
New profiles are added every few weeks (we're only human!) so stay tuned as we collect even more stories for you to explore!
Featured Profile: Francesca Trotman
Swim away with us to Mozambique to learn more about Francesca and the organization she founded to support sustainable oceans & healthy communities. Read her story here!
Irene Brueckner-Irwin: Co-Founder, Girls Gone Water
marine conservation | fisheries | collaboration | communities
Cheryl Chan: International Development Program Manager
international development | marine protected areas | coastal communities | sense of place
Ana Carolina Esteves Dias: Researcher & PhD Candidate
coastal ecosystems | conservation | communities | wellbeing
Leslie Holt: Fishing Association Member Services Administrator
fisheries | aquaculture | marine safety | livelihoods
Anita Lazurko: Water Management & Sustainability Consultant
water management | sustainability | development | global citizenship
Dani Lindamood: Co-Founder, Girls Gone Water
sustainable development | research | decision-making | social enterprise
Neha Pawar: Water and Sanitation Program Officer
India | water and sanitation | gender equity | health
Viviana Re & Raquel Sousa: Responsible Water Scientists
water science communications | civic engagement | sustainable lifestyles | development
Nikola Simpson: Environmental Sustainability Changemaker
consulting | fisheries management | sustainability | ocean optimism
Sajida Sultana: Researcher & PhD Candidate
Climate Smart Agriculture | water scarcity | humanitarian emergencies | food security
Francesca Trotman: Love The Oceans Founder
marine conservation | community engagement | research | ecotourism
Allison Turner: Water Innovation Consultant
community engagement | innovation | transformation | healthy water ways
Jackie Walker: Outreach Coordinator
outreach | education | marine biology | sea turtles