Viviana Re & Raquel Sousa
Photo by Patricia Santos
Photo by Cindy Kauss
Co-Founders, Responsible Water Scientists
This dynamic water duo doesn’t just talk the talk when it comes to water sustainability. From the way they do their research & work to their social media movement to their personal lives, Viviana Re and Raquel Sousa have truly earned their name, the “Responsible Water Scientists.”
Viviana and Raquel are groundwater scientists who study water resources that end up under the surface of the earth, either in aquifers or just seeping down from the land above. Together, Viviana and Raquel manage the Responsible Water Scientists platform, specifically designed to give visibility to the ways in which they’ve put sustainability into practice in their various travels, research, and work around water. Especially as water scientists, they say, “Responsible Water Scientists is a space where we aim to encourage a broader discussion on the little changes in your daily routine that can make [all of us, including] scientists real advocates of groundwater conservation and contribute to a more sustainable world.” And they truly walk the walk: they try to minimize their environmental impact during fieldwork; they pack their food and water in reusable containers; they engage in action with the local communities; they deliver biohazard waste from E. coli tests in the field to hospitals where it will be responsibly incinerated. Yes – they are that committed and a serious inspiration. They also hope their social media presence as women water scientists helps spark conversation and aspirations to work in water for more women and girls. They say, “As women working in the water sector and contributing to a more sustainable future, we hope to inspire other women to do so, too. We hope we’ll see more girls working in applied water science and engaging first-hand for a real change.”
“We aim to encourage a broader discussion on the little changes in your daily routine that can make all of us - including scientists - real advocates of groundwater conservation and contribute to a more sustainable world.”
Viviana and Raquel are a powerful collaborative team, but they’re also inspiring individuals. Raquel Sousa is currently in Bafata, Guinea Bissau working in international development with a focus on water. Viviana Re is a post-doctoral research fellow (AKA she got her PhD and now does research at a university) in Pavia, Italy working to build a better understanding of sustainable water management practices with a focus on linking hydrogeology and social sciences. Even worlds away, they find a way to sustain their passion and work together to make a better world #onedropatatime noting, “Even if it seems challenging, we all can make our part for safeguarding global water resources and ensuring equitable access to safe drinking water for everyone.”