Holiday Tips #1
Disclaimer: Girls Gone Water does not receive any sort of financial kick-back from these products or links – they’re just our honest holiday gift tips that keep on giving with their connection to water.
For young and old, the tradition of gift-giving…
can be a beautiful way to show those around you just how much you care. During the holiday season though, there is immense pressure to get the perfect gift for the loved ones in your life and sadly, the value of affordable gifts can often be fleeting.
At Girls Gone Water, we deeply believe in the ways water can inspire, create meaning, and change lives for the better. That’s why our first Holiday Tips Series post is dedicated to highlighting water-focused gifts for all ages that will keep on giving.
#1 – For the kids
Let’s face it – many kids have enough toys.
Trade in “more toys” for “water joys” with books like The Great Canoe Challenge and Adventures with Watersnake from Waterlution. These books teach children about the magic of our different water resources, were written by young water professionals, and all funds from sales will support educational workshops for students across Canada.
You can get both books here through supporting their Indiegogo campaign.
#2 – For the minimalists & eco-activists
If you have someone in your life who’s a minimalist, chances are they don’t want stuff.
Instead, make a donation on their behalf to an awesome water organization like charity: water who provide clean water or Oceana who fight to protect our oceans. There are many other amazing organizations out there working on water, so do some digging and find a water-cause that resonates with you.
Trust us – this will be an amazingly meaningful gift for your eco-minded loved one!
#3 – For the parents & grandparents
Waterlution doesn’t just do children’s books – they also have a 2019 calendar that highlights our human connection to water, made with love by young water professionals. The sales fund programs to bring water-education into schools in Canada and get children out in the world to connect with our most precious resource – water.
Get a calendar here by pledging $15
#4 – For the beer-lover
Yes, you can drink your beer and give clean water too.
These products go beyond beer, but Miir is an awesome company making growlers (and other products) that give back through funding clean water projects. The best part? You get a code with your purchase that lets you track exactly where your money has gone.
Did we miss an awesome watery gift? Drop us a line in the comments below!
This blog post is from Dani Lindamood. Dani is a Girls Gone Water co-founder, recreational videographer, and a staunch advocate for protecting water resources around the world. Originally from San Diego, California, she is currently based in Waterloo, Ontario and works for the University of Waterloo in science communications, research, and elevating research impacts.