Civic Engagement
More and more, research is showing that law-makers and policy advocates need to be doing more to protect and support our planet. Laws are a reflection of our societies and the people that inhabit them, so engaging as a citizen in your political systems can be very influential for the future of our environment.
Here's what you can do...
Learn about important issues
The more we educate ourselves on important issues facing our planet (especially from a diversity of sources), the more we can develop informed opinions and understand others' points of view.
Share through having conversations
To deepen that understanding, don't be afraid to talk with others! Being in conversation can open pathways for dialogue, education, engagement, and empowerment, all of which can transform into civic action. Think about who can help your cause, and talk to them, too!
Share on social media
The more people know about and see issues being shared by their friends, the more likely they are to step up, show up, talk, organize, and affect change themselves. Change-making needs people together, both caring and advocating for change, and that can start with you.
Show Up
Attend (or organize) community events
Town halls, community meetings, and other events can be great places to talk about important issues and find solutions. Especially when working together, people in many different positions can drive change - including you!
Support other movements
While the environmental movement is super close to our hearts, the best way to build momentum and encourage wide-scale change is to support other values-aligned movements. When we elevate each other and show solidarity through showing up, everyone benefits and eventually, we’ll all win.
Write or call your representatives
Whoever your local political representatives are, they are there to serve YOU so tell them what you think! Call, write, post, share. They or a staffer will see it and (hopefully) seek to understand your views.
If all the campaigns around the globe to encourage citizens to vote haven't made it obvious, your vote really does matter. Use your voice and encourage others to do the same. Also, if your representative isn’t working for you or the issues you care about, use your vote to vote them out of office.
Money doesn’t have to make the world go round, but it does enable amazing organizations around the world to carry out their missions and lay the groundwork for transformative change. When you can and no matter how much, vote with your dollars by donating to the organizations that are